Robbie Williams實在是個很了不起的歌手。
雖然說連英國爵士-強叔都被台灣媒體搞到爆粗口,相較之下,當然這位英國壞小子,不說個什麼FXXC似乎是對台灣客氣過頭了。但是他說的可是完整的一句「fxxcing country」呢!

就在印象中留下反骨、叛逆的壞男人的時候,又同時會被他唱的情歌感動。就是一個這麼多變而成功的歌手,從take that時代搞笑出生,到後來大唱let me entertain you、lazy days、Millennium等等充滿搖滾爆發力的曲子,俏皮性感的也有kids、rock DJ,而從這浪子嘴裡唱出來的She is the One、Angels更是讓不少女性同胞從耳根一路軟到心裡面去吧!

再精選集前面一張,2002的Escapalogy專輯,雖然沒給人耳目一新的感覺,但是整張專輯聽多了幾遍,反而更愛不釋手,順耳度不比1999的美國精選集低,大推裡面的sexed up、同樣撫慰人心的Come Undone、俏皮愉快的Something Beautiful,總之他只要靜下來唱慢歌,聽歌的人就好像連眼睛都被打開一樣,一幕幕畫面都出現了。

2004年出了新的精選集,就在覺得又是一張了無新意的singles大合輯時,在[V]偶然看到這支MV。似乎是跟BJ2電影作結合,因為chappy chappy的瑞妮齊薇格在裡面穿著她的招牌阿嬤內褲哩!然後羅比這邊也是很搞笑的作了類似的情境。

Tryin' to be misunderstood
But it doesn't do me any good
Love the way they smile at me
Held that face for eternity
Now let them all fly off

When it comes down
It all comes down
You will not be found

When its over
It's all over
Even if i make a sound

I'll be misunderstood
By the beautiful and good in...This city
None of it was planned
Take me by the hand
Just dont try and understand

Try to be misunderstood
Just a product of my childhood
And still i find myself outside
You cant say i havent tried
Perhaps i tried too hard

No exscuses
I wont apoligise
Or justify your lies
Come find me
Tell them to me
Look me in the eyes

I'll be misunderstood
By the beautiful and good in...This city
None of this was planned
Take me by the hand
Just dont try and understand

Cant forgive sorry to say
You dont know your guilty anyway
Isnt it funny how we dont speak
The language of love




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