Krafty by New Order
Some people get up at the break of day
Gotta go to work before it gets too late
Sitting in a car and driving down the road
It ain't the way it has to be
But that's what you do to earn your daily wage
That's the kind of world that we live in today
Isn't where you wanna be
And isn't what you wanna be
Give me one more day (one more day)
Give me another night (just another night)
I need a second chance (second chance)
This time I'll get it right (This time I'll get it right)
I'll say one last time (one last time)
I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know)
I've got to change your mind (I've got to change your mind)
I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go)
You've got to look at life the way it oughta be
Looking at the stars from underneath the tree
There's a world inside and a world out there
With that tv you just don't care
They've got violence, wars and killing too
All shrunk down in a two-foot tube
But out there the world is a beautiful place
With mountains, lakes and the human race
This is where I wanna be
And this is what I wanna do
Give me one more day (one more day)
Give me another night (just another night)
I need a second chance (second chance)
This time I'll get it right (This time I'll get it right)
I'll say one last time (one last time)
I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know)
I've got to change your mind (I've got to change your mind)
I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go)
Just give me one more chance (one more chance)
Give me another night (just another night)
With just one more day (one more day)
You know I'll get it right (You know I'll get it right)
I'll say one last time (one last time)
I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know)
If I could change your mind (If I could change your mind)
I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go)
雖然跟New Order一點都不熟,僅耳聞過其團在英搖界之盛名,也嘗試性的聽過幾首紅不讓的單曲,但是對於從前的我來說,電子搖滾實在不是我能接受的音樂類型(當時偏好陰鬱風),雖然聽起來是很快樂沒錯,但是老娘我一點都不是party people。
不過近期來心境大轉變,對於叮叮咚咚可愛的電音越來越喜歡(grandaddy引領入門),從一些加入電氣的後搖和電子民謠(album leaf)開始,然後一些大咖們也在新世紀的專輯裡加強電子音效,作出像是Amnesiac或是Think Tank等專輯,浪菊(lounge)也造成大流行。雖然對於一些都會節拍之類的冷調電音還是不太喜歡,但是現在卻發現自己開始喜歡跳舞音樂了!(當然不是夜市裡面董雌董雌的搖頭大帝國)
聽到這首歌,很難想像New Order已經是成立20年以上的老團了,據說這是他們作過最青春的一首歌,根本就是幾個少不更事的年輕小夥子才會做出的曲調啊!而且連歌詞都青春陽光到讓人雙腿一振想要開始向夕陽奔跑(或是學MV跳躍...)連MV都拍的相當誘人,找來正點的短髮妹和孱弱的高挑男孩來飾演這一段清純(?)的戀愛物語。看著這麼可愛的MV都不自覺哈哈大笑起來,「原來青春這麼蠢!」但是一面又開始羨幕啊...看歌詞看著看著,就默默的感動起來了啊!
They've got violence, wars and killing too
All shrunk down in a two-foot tube
But out there the world is a beautiful place
With mountains, lakes and the human race
This is where I wanna be
And this is what I wanna do
另外一支由同個導演導的Kent的Karleken vantar,也和這支MV走同個故事風格,不過當然是有正妹的New Order贏囉!!(有人說這支是搞笑版)