
2002年的專輯 Make Up The Break Down

夏天聽聽北歐系的沁涼民謠,冬天就來聽聽Hot Hot Heat。

2000年以降,紐約的The Strokes. The White Stripes帶起了一股復古龐克的風潮,從名字就可以分辨出哪些樂團是這一波熱潮下誕生的產物(普遍使用The開頭 xxxxs結尾的團名)。諸如The Vines. The Libertines. The Darkness...到最近的The Rakes,美國人玩,英國人玩,澳洲人也玩,追隨紐約龐克老祖宗The Ramonds的這一家族似乎仍是方興未艾(英國龐克開山祖則有The Sex Pistols. The Clash)。雖然使用相似的團名,但戲法人人會變,各有巧妙不同,聽著不同的樂團,總還聽的出一些特別的趣味,證明名字雖然取的隨意,但音樂絕對玩的不馬虎。這一次的花團錦簇,花大叢大叢的開,豐富了樂迷的耳朵,The字輩當道,的確也出了一些21世紀的經典。

不過Hot Hot Heat這個來自加拿大的樂團,雖然走的是同樣的樂風,卻取了個不會被淹沒的名字。


This Town

Gonna walk right through this townand laugh with a crowd of strangers chasing me.Never stop to look behind my back, so tell me what they saidbecause I fear my life's in danger now in this town.How did you get to my motel -do tell soon.Gonna walk right through this town again with a crowd of strangerswatching me, picking every little thing apart.So, tell me what they said because I get attitude from this town-in this town. How did you get to this town?...Through this town?Gonna walk right through this town again knowing that I'm only here tonight.Never cared to stop and say hello;so, tell me what they said because I don't have time to hang around in this town.Maybe... maybe I should think to stay.Maybe I won't ever return.Maybe... maybe I should stop and play.Gonna walk right through this town again.But, all I know is I really should be on my way.Wouldn't mind one more night in town.

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