之前在imeem申請了一個帳號,想說可以丟一些歌上去擺在網誌上。那時候正好看完Six Feet Under,又碰巧在聽Band of Horses的這張Everything All The Time,雖然影集已經有了Sia的Breathe Me作為完美收尾,但這首The Funeral的氣質也滿符合葬儀社的主題,所以打算用它來搭配另外一篇SFU的心得,後來文章沒寫成,音樂方面倒是發生了一個特別的插曲。
把歌曲上傳過後沒幾天,就收到了這封來自樂團的電郵,前後反覆觀看,發現這真的是由Band of Horses發出的邀請函。
其實一開始看到寄件者顯示名稱的時候還真是有點驚嚇,以為現在唱片公司效率這麼高,開始抓起網路上個人分享的MP3了嗎?但是好在內容並沒有什麼威脅性的字眼,諸如"You've been uploading a copyrighted file. If you don't delete it in 3 days, you may be ACCUSED."之類的句子,畢竟之前看galeer的網誌時,有一篇文章就是在講這件事,所以當下馬上有了負面的聯想。
萬萬沒想到,Band of Horses這個樂團,行的正坐的端,好音樂不怕在網路上流傳,不但不是要控訴我,反而是要和我這個擅自上傳他們音樂的小歌迷交朋友。這才是文化人的氣度啊,對他們的好感度馬上增加了不少,音樂也越聽越有感覺,原來他們不只歌曲聽起來溫柔又寬闊,連人也是這麼地溫柔和包容啊!
不多說,趕快讓大家聽一下傳說中的The Funeral。
I'm coming up only to hold you under
I'm coming up only to show you wrong
And to know you is hard and we wonder
To know you all wrong, we were
Really too late to call, so we wait for
Morning to wake you; it's all we got
To know me as hardly golden
Is to know me all wrong, they were
At every occasion I'll be ready for a funeral
At every occasion once more is called a funeral
Every occasion I'm ready for the funeral
At every occasion one brilliant day funeral
I'm coming up only to show you down for
I'm coming up only to show you wrong
To the outside, the dead leaves, they all blow (alive is very poetic)
For'e (before) they died had trees to hang their hope
At every occasion I'll be ready for the funeral
At every occasion once more is called the funeral
At every occasion I'm ready for the funeral
At every occasion one brilliant day funeral
另外推薦這張專輯裡的The First Song,Our Swords,Weed Party,Monsters,St Augustine,都很好聽。
Band of Horses的
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